Corporate Counsel Academy Course on US Business Law a Success

Corporate Counsel Academy Course on US Business Law a Success

Today, ECLA is honored to see our Corporate Counsel Academy conducting a comprehensive certification course on European companies expanding their business operations to the US. Led by the North-Carolina-based expertise of Hutchison PLLC and EisnerAmper, this course offers European companies essential, practical guidance on navigating the complexities of US market entry. Key topics include jurisdiction selection, understanding federal and state regulatory frameworks, optimal entity structuring, and strategic tax planning, among many others. Our sincere gratitude extends to all those involved in creating such an insightful program, and a special thanks to the participants, along with the valued support from the Vereinigung Schweizerischer Unternehmensjuristen (VSUJ) and AIGI – Associazione Italiana Giuristi d’Impresa.