ECLA/GCLC General Counsel Roundtable: Cross-border M&A transactions and Pan-European transformation projects

ECLA/GCLC General Counsel Roundtable: Cross-border M&A transactions and Pan-European transformation projects

Cross-border M&A transactions and Pan-European transformation projects was the topic of today’s Virtual General Counsel Roundtable with 15 general counsel from 8 different European countries 🇪🇺. Key take-aways from the very active discussion among participants and presentation by Alain Raemy and Björn Otto from CMS Corporate/M&A Group:

💡 PMI Importance: Effective post-merger integration is critical for M&A success, ensuring the new organisation meets objectives and achieves synergies.
💡 Strategic Complexity: M&A goals are complex and vary by scenario, with integration challenges depending on the transaction type.
💡 Early Planning: Successful integration requires detailed early planning, avoiding delays until post-closing to merge companies.
💡 Integration Considerations in Due Diligence: Early integration considerations should be included in the due diligence questions.
💡 Planning Integration Steps: Concrete planning of integration steps should begin as soon as the transaction structure is determined.

Stay tuned for more upcoming sessions virtually and physically and meet us personally in Berlin, Germany on 7/8 October for the “General Counsel Forum Europe” – the annual expert meeting for GC across Europe:

Many thanks to CMS and the ECLA and General Counsel Leadership Circle Europe network!