30 Oct 17th European Corporate Governance (Luxembourg)
The 17th European Corporate Governance Conference on December 15th is a joint effort of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the EC, the CSSF, the University of Luxembourg, the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (ILA) and the Academy of European Law (ERA). In addition the Conference is supported by EY and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
The Conference will be focusing on the following themes:
1) The influence of new forms of financing in Corporate Governance.
2) Governance of subsidiaries in multinational groups of companies.
3) Recent developments in corporate governance of credit institutions and investment firms.
Registrations from 2 to 30 November on https://delegate.eu2015lu.eu, code 197. Participant. The final confirmation will be communicated in due time as the number of places is limited.
For any need of assistance please address to corpgov2015@mj.etat.lu or +(352) 247-88544, (+352) 247-88510.