Exclusive invite-only event

12 November 11:00 – 12:45 CET


11:00 Welcome
11:05 Participants’ round of introduction
11:15 Keynote: 
11:50 Open discussion
  • Think thank
  • Deepening of the discussion
  • Sharing best practices
12:45 Final thoughts

Restructuring issues can be highly complex, particularly for multinational organisations where the issues cross borders. Across Europe new restructuring laws are being rushed through to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. Having a general appreciation of the available tools is vital for those in need of restructuring and/or managing exposures to weak counterparties.


We want to give you a practitioner-oriented overview and discuss frequently asked questions with you. We aim to align the focal points with your needs and current challenges as closely as possible – be it thematically or in terms of specific jurisdictions. Hence, we would be delighted if you let us know which aspects are of particular interest to you.



Dr. Alexandra Schluck-Amend
Certified lawyer for insolvency law | Head of Restructuring and Insolvency Group
CMS Germany


Glen Flannery



Slide deck as shown during the discussion (click here)


CMS Expert Guide to restructuring and insolvency law (click here)

This CMS Expert Guide provides an overview of the various restructuring options available in various countries, allowing you to compare how those options are deployed in these jurisdictions.


Since we received several questions about the UK’s “pre-pack” procedure, we also enclose a link to a CMS video explaining the process in more detail (click here)