Exclusive invite-only event

23 June 10:00 – 11:45 CEST


10:00 Welcome
10:05 Participants’ round of introduction
10:15 Keynote: 
10:50 Open discussion
  • Think thank
  • Deepening of the discussion
  • Sharing best practices
11:45 Final thoughts

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is likely one of the most ambitious current development strategies. In Europe, opinions on BRI are mixed. The workshop aims at providing an overview on the sentiment and experience which participants from all around the world expressed in a survey done by CMS on BRI as well as on key issues, legal topics connected to BRI and opportunities for participation.


On 30 December 2020 the EU and China agreed to conclude their Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) which since then has been controversially discussed in European media. Facing increasing headwinds, most recently the European Parliament formally froze its ratification process. Little specific information has been provided on the CAI’s actual impact on and benefits for EU companies in China. The workshop will shed light on which new business opportunities they can expect from the CAI if it eventually becomes effective.


Finally, the workshop will also touch on current investment restrictions for EU companies in China and for Chinese outbound investment to EU.


Ulrike Glueck_CMS[1]

Dr. Ulrike Glueck
Managing Partner
Head of Corporate Practice Area Group and TMC Sector Group
CMS China

Falk Lichtenstein_CMS[1]

Dr. Falk Lichtenstein
CMS China


Jonathan Marsh
ECLA President
Vice President, International General Counsel
TotalEnergies Marketing & Services


The components used during the roundtable can be downloaded by clicking the links below.