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Navigating the ESG Value Chain: Key Frameworks, Litigation, and Financial Impacts for Corporate Lawyers As European businesses increasingly focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, the legal landscape is evolving to address these new priorities. This roundtable will delve into the core components of the...

Join us for a fascinating roundtable on “From Trends to Tech: Comprehensive Strategies for M&A Success,” where the discussion will center on utilising effective solutions for highest-standard M&A strategies. Throughout the event, we will examine key trends that are shaping the legal landscape, ensuring we...

Antitrust legislation has never been as complex. Even with a multitude of digital solutions, the current climate has created a labyrinth that General Counsel must effectively navigate to ensure corporate success. European General Counsel in particular are faced with evolving regulatory landscape and market trends. Adapting...

Join us for an interactive roundtable discussion on "Cross-Border Litigation Management and Trends in 2024," where legal experts from several jurisdictions will discuss effective strategies for managing litigation risks and optimizing the overall litigation process. Throughout the event, we will examine key litigation trends that...

We have witnessed an unprecedented proliferation of digital technologies. Artificial intelligence is just the latest in a long line of technological advancements that companies must prioritise. Data collection, analysis and decision-making through data-driven information has become commonplace, if not mandatory. This has not only opened...

The event will bring together a limited number of general counsel and decision makers from legal departments to discuss in depth current challenges and latest developments in antitrust and competition law.  The event is planned as a half-day exclusive meeting that includes open dialogue during...

The event will bring together a limited number of general counsel and decision makers from legal departments to discuss in depth current challenges and latest developments in Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG).  The event is planned as a half-day exclusive meeting that includes open...